Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Titling Films: Working on "Drug Syndicate"

I'll be honest, I hate coming up with names for films. From the very beginning it's been a challenge. Five Hitmen was... a story about 5 hitmen. Blood Running was a title that one of my actors came up with and I latched onto for what at the time of production was just called "The Zombie Movie." "Dust" was a movie about the Dust Bowl. "Middle East Poverty Movie" - my worst title to date, is exactly what it sounds like.

More recently, "The Trigger" was actually intended just as a working title for the project, but I called it The Trigger through pre production and into production and it just became the title.

Resolve was a lot of brainstorming between my mother and I, and in the end she actually came up with it and much like Blood Running, I just embraced it.

Now I'm working on coming up with a title for "Drug Syndicate."

My ideas and why are as follows:

No Way Out (the idea presented by characters in the script that there is no escaping the Syndicate or the past.  The title sounds kind of pretentious to me, even though I admit I like it and I like pretentious titles.)

Death Grip (same sort of idea, that addiction and violence creates a death grip on you.)

Choke Hold (similar to death grip, but Hold is slang for a drug dealer, so there's a double meaning I rather like)

Break the Dice (dice is slang for cocaine)

When it Rane's (rane being a slang term for cocaine)

Dice in the Dark (a title representing both the cocaine and the darkness that is in the story)

Those are the best ones...none of them feel quite "it" yet.  Some are definitely a little pretentious...but I'll keep playing with it. A title is incredibly important, because it's usually the first thing potential audiences and investors will hear about a film. Anyway, that's my latest news.

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