Wednesday, April 24, 2013

International Christian Film Festival

Both "The Trigger" and "Resolve" were accepted into the International Christian Film Festival! This is exciting news, as it'll get them seen by a much wider audience than they've been seen by. Quality wise, I'm not surprised they got in. The dedication of the actors to top notch performances, as well as the solid work of everyone behind the camera (including the long, long hours I spent from scripting to the final post production of both films) made them work very well.

Content wise - the ICFF is less staunch than I thought they'd be in terms of violence and (given a couple other entries I've watched) language, which works for me.

I've seen all the short film entries I'm competing against, and my honest opinion is there are 2 or 3 that clearly had big budgets and have strong production value and I actually really enjoyed. A lot of them were lacking in some way - usually acting and story. Most people who know me, know I hate the cheesy, pull the bible out and there's a metaphoric glowing light (or literal) and people magically change scenes - which there are a lot of here. That's my personal taste, and I'm guessing the judges may feel differently.

Unfortunately several entries weren't uploaded properly and their sound wasn't synced or the video shorted out (this isn't the case for either Resolve or Trigger) but I was bummed that those few I couldn't finish. 

But rather Resolve and Trigger take home any awards, it's been an enjoyable experience seeing the many different films. People have a lot of different ideas and views and seeing them expressed is interesting.

I'll know on Saturday for sure if any awards are handed out. There are cash prizes, software, and a Black Magic Cinema camera, as well as airtime on some different Christian networks. All things that would be cool and helpful (especially the cash prize or BMC Camera. I'll definitely be buying its little brother come July.

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