Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Script Drafting: Drug Syndicate

Over the past 2 weeks I've been working on a script idea that rather hit me in the face and said "write me, Brian. Write meeee!!!!"

Its working title is "Drug Syndicate". Right now it's like to be about 50 pages long in the first draft, though I'm considering expanding it to either a webseries or feature film format (or possibly write to work as both).

Since this is the first post I have mentioned it in, and the first draft isn't even complete, I don't want to give too many details, but I will provide an overview.

The film centers around a small group of cocaine dealers headed by Jade, known to most simply as "Ma'am" or "the Boss".  She uses children to get her drugs out to other children and create early and powerful addiction. Under her Claire and Derrick, her two most trusted, oversee operations, but when Derrick's conscience gets the best of him he takes a 13 year old girl, Elli, and runs with her to try and escape. Derrick and Elli are pursued by Claire and others.

The story's concept evolved from two key sources, watching some different Creative Actors perform some different mob/gangster scenes, as well as a very long standing desire to take the best elements of middle school short, Five Hitmen, and turn them into a story that has a strong emotional backbone with overtones of faith. .
Dirk (Brian Elliott) in Five Hitmen during a gun battle.

The first draft of the film, still under the working title of "Drug Syndicate" is very close to completion, with only the climax and conclusion left to write. The second draft will focus on fleshing out characters more and tightening up and reworking some of the action.

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