Monday, April 22, 2013

Script Drafting: The Way

The Way is an allegorical Christian fantasy story based on Matthew 7:13-14 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

Back in 2008 I scripted a version of it I was intending to produce, but truth be told, it is not a microbudget type film. I estimate a minimum of $10,000 for extensive makeup and basic prosthetics as well as a fight/stunt choreographer for hand to hand combat that will be in the film. And that would be for a 20-30 minute short version, which would make it an even riskier financial endeavor right now than attempting a feature for that money.

I put together two teaser trailers for the 2008 version of the script.

The Way Trailer from Brian Elliott on Vimeo.

The Way Trailer # 2 from Brian Elliott on Vimeo.

 The challenge with the story, is that I want to ground the characters in our reality, but lead them to walking onto the way. Creating a transition that isn't overly cheesy, or at the least makes sense within the world has been the script's biggest challenge. Recently, in my experimentation with non linear storytelling in Resolve, I've found some new ideas for making it possible.

I'm also contemplating different characters of different ages, as I'm no longer limited to high school friends like I was during the original drafts. I actually know REAL people.

"The Way" is a film that's probably a few years out given all the challenges, but it is in the works and I think will be (hopefully) a unique film and a different sort of twist on stories like Dante's Inferno and Pilgrim's Progress. 

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